Healthy Harold Wasn’t Always The Wholesome Giraffe We Know Today

Image: Life Education Australia

If you were in primary school during the ‘80s and ‘90s, chances are you remember Healthy Harold.

But, the Harold you knew then might look a little bit different today. Back in the 80s, Harold had bloodshot eyes as kids were given a stark look at the impact of unhealthy choices like drinking and smoking. These days Harold is a bit more bright-eyed and bushy tailed, but he’s still teaching kids how to live a safe and healthy life.

CEO of Life Education Australia Kellie Sloane has seen small children talk to Harold when they would not say a word to anyone else. Kellie says, “There’s magic with Harold. He’s the hook that we hang our lessons on. He’s the star, he’s a trusted giraffe, as strange as that sounds”

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Listen to the the evolution of Healthy Harold on Feed Play Love with Shevonne Hunt below!

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