kristen wiig melissa mccarthy in bridesmaids

Bridesmaid’s Star Drops Bombshell Update On Sequel

We are READY to PARTY!! Is just one famous line from possibly one of our favourite crack-up movies ever and it’s no surprise that rumours of a sequel have been flying around for years about the 2011 film Bridesmaids. Now, we have a SUPER exciting update from one of the stars of the film! Hear what they say below!

Bridesmaid’s Star Drops Bombshell Update On Sequel

Speaking of what we want to see on our screens, did you hear about the new Bachelor series for the elderly? Find out all the details about it coming to Australia below!

The Bachelor: Seniors Coming In 2024

Find out which Sydney stars are set to become the new Real Housewives of Sydney in the recently announced reboot here.

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